We are proud to inform you that a consortium under Joint Medical Stores (JMS) Uganda as prime, with i+solutions as key sub-contractor, has been awarded an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for the procurement and delivery of HIV related Commodities for the Private Not-For-Profit (PNFP) Sector in Uganda.

This 5-year project, financed by USAID, is part of Uganda’s journey to self-reliance. According to the National HIV and Aids Strategic Plan 2020/2102024/25 published by the Uganda Aids Commission (UAC) in August 2020, the Government of Uganda is determined to build a modern, integrated, self-sustaining economy. Having a strong national response to the HIV epidemic contributes to a healthy and productive population and improved quality of life for its citizens. Uganda was in the eighties known as the epicentre of HIV/AIDS, but has since then achieved considerable success in reducing HIV prevalence from 18% in the early 90s to the current 6%.

In 2017, Uganda launched the Presidential Fast Track Initiative on Ending AIDS (PFTI), which is already bearing fruits. The initiative is based on a five point plan, including: 1) engage men in HIV Prevention and close the tap on new infections particularly among adolescent girls and young women; 2) accelerate implementation of Test and Treat and attainment of the fast track 90-90-90 targets particularly among men and young people; 3) consolidate progress on elimination of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV; 4) ensure financial sustainability for the HIV and AIDS response; and 5) ensure institutional effectiveness for a well-coordinated multi-sectoral response.

JMS is the leading private not-for-profit pharmaceutical store in Uganda serving at least 3000 medical facilities.  It was established in 1979 as a joint venture between Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) and Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB). JMS is licensed by the National Drug Authority to engage in import, export, whole sale of medicines and related health care supplies. Next to i+solutions, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) will support JMS as a resource partner.

i+solutions will work with JMS on international and local sourcing, category management and procurement. Both parties have agreed to jointly work on establishing and operating a safe, secure, reliable, and sustainable procurement management system, considering value for money in terms of attributes such as price, quality, availability and functionality; product life cycle; environmental aspects (green procurement); social aspects including inequality in the distribution of resources, labour conditions, human rights, fair-trade, flexibility and adaptability.

The procurement and commodity delivery services will be executed following task orders issued by USAID Uganda. The partnership was awarded the first task order to procure and supply 298,000 packs of triple combination HIV drug Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Dolutegravir pack of 90 Tablets and 142,000 packs of Abacavir/Lamivudine/Dolutegravir pack of 30 Tablets. Under this Task Order, the JMS partnership is to manage the procurement and to ensure that the commodities are delivered to the designated USAID warehouse on time in full. The first task order period runs from May 2021 to Feb 2022.

i+solutions is looking forward to work with JMS and to contribute to this project, which is in line with our mission to support global health priority programs and save and improve lives by creating well-functioning health supply chains.