Code of Conduct suppliers
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy relates to the overall governance structure of i+solutions. As part of the governance structure, i+solutions, a not-for-profit foundation and all its affiliates, commits to the principles of good governance as stated under the Dutch “SBF-code voor Goed Bestuur (replacement of the so-called ‘Code Wijffels’) for charities and NGOs’.
2. Scope
All employees, suppliers, sub-contractors, of i+solutions stichting and all other affiliated organisations (referred here as i+solutions group), are bound by this Code of Conduct. Any other relevant partner(s)/project(s) Code of Conduct(s) to which i+solutions group is seconded are also binding.
Every policy, standard operating procedures (SOP) and work instructions (WI) derived from this Code of Conduct and or from relevant partner(s)/project(s) Code of Conduct such as (but not limited to):
- POL 621 Harassment and Bullying policy
- POL 665 Human trafficking and forced labour
- POL 622 Whistleblower Policy
- POL 623 Policy on sexual exploitation and abuse
- TGF-corporate_codeofconductforsuppliers_policy_en-2021
Are all part of the general scope of what i+solutions group identify as good corporate governance. The Employee code of conduct is an integral part of this policy.
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3. Introduction
Working in a professional manner is nurturing a business-like environment. We are a diverse team of people from different professional and cultural backgrounds. As a team, it is important to interact with each other in a respectful and open manner for a fruitful cooperation. While we are a result-focused organisation, it is important to keep sight of the exchanges we have with our colleagues, clients, suppliers, and (sub-)
contractors and to be relation-focused as well. At i+solutions cooperation is key, and we do not operate in silos.
i+solutions adheres to international principles of good corporate governance. The organisation’s aim is to play a leading role in health & supply chain sector based on sound governance. Good corporate governance is a tool for the development of the organisation’s activities through better management, greater availability of knowledge and resources, lower cost of capital and development of human capital in the interest of the goals set by the organisation
4. Policy
4.1 Objectives
- This code of conduct has been drawn up to position i+solutions clearly to our clients, partners and staff. i+ solutions has identified the following main objectives;
- To maintain a balance in its activities and undertakings whilst ensuring adherence to the goals of the organisation;
- To develop & maintain long-term business relationships with its clients and partners. These relationships are based on the principle of fair and honest dealings;
- To develop a professional, safe and friendly work environment for employees, suppliers, sub-contractors.
In addition, governance for i+ solutions will be based on the following:
- Enhance stakeholders value;
- Ensure sound financial viability;
- Provide the process and structure through which the organisation and projects executed under its responsibility will be directed and managed;
- Attract work and clients and develop activities which support the aim of the organisation as laid down in the statutes;
- All activities undertaken are expected to contribute to the organisation’s overall principles, e.g. saving and improving lives by creating
4.2 The Board
- The i+solutions Supervisory Board is responsible for setting the company’s strategic direction.
- For the management of the organisation an Executive Board (Management Team, CEO and Supervisory Board) is established;
- The Executive Board is responsible for code of conduct that addresses any issue(s) arising from non-respect of this code of conduct and any other policies, SOP, WI supporting it.
- The Executive Board will be responsible for identifying risk areas. These issues will be monitored regularly;
- The Executive Board will also aim to conform to the governance principles while simultaneously performing in an innovative and entrepreneurial way. Besides it will maintain a sound system of internal control.
4.3 Transparency and accountability
i+solutions group strives for openness and honesty internally and towards its donors and other stakeholders. As such i+solutions group is transparent in all its dealings with governments, donors, beneficiaries, partners and other interested parties. However, some exceptions exist for personal matters and some information not allowed to be shared because of confidentiality constraints. i+solutions’ basic financial information, governance structure, activities and listing of employees is available on the website via the link
More detailed information can be found in the latest Annual Report which can also be found on the website.
4.4 Compliance and Legality
i+solutions group will not engage in any activities that are illegal under the laws of the country of its incorporation or in the countries where it operates.
I+solutions has a zero-tolerance policy towards any violation of universal human rights and condemn any misconduct related to harassment, bullying, discrimination, sexual exploitation, child and forced labour. Moreover, i+solutions adheres to the ETI base code of human rights, as attached in Annex I, and requires its suppliers and (sub-) contractors to do the same.
We are strongly opposed to, and not willing to partner with organisations involved in corruption, bribery, and any other financial improprieties or illegalities. All our employees, suppliers, subcontractors are required to prevent fraud within i+solutions group and to report any misconduct, violating or encouraging an unwanted behaviour as stated in this code of conduct and any other policies, SOP or WI supporting this policy. i+solutions expects its partners, suppliers and sub-contractors to hold their suppliers to the same standards. A whistleblower policy and reporting flow is in place to report (in confidentiality or not) any misconduct either internally, through the line manager, HR and/or externally through the confidential counsellor (‘vertrouwenspersoon’). In case the unwanted behaviour (i+solutions group staff, governing body, contractors, supplier or partners) is confirmed after investigation, corrective measures will be taken (such as but not limited to: disciplinary measures, dismissal, cancellation of contract, etc.).
4.5 Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest exists where the interests or benefits of a person, or its relatives or significant others, conflict with the interests or benefits of i+solutions group and/or its clients. This can result from:
- Previous work relationship: for a supplier, (sub-)contractor or competitor, which can impact decision making in the current position. In addition, having relatives or significant others currently working for a supplier, (sub-)contractor or competitor can also impact decision making by the employee.
- Business interest: Having a business interest for either the employee or its relatives and/or significant other can impact decision making of the employee.
- Relatives include: spouses, siblings, children, (grand-) parents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, step relationships, and in-laws.
- Significant others include: persons living in a spousal (including same sex) or in an intimate relationship with an employee.
While working at or with i+solutions group, all employees suppliers, sub-contractors are expected to put organisational goals before personal goals, and put the best interests of the organisation ahead of all individual desires.
No employee will decide on a matter directly impacting him/her/they (or any identifying pronouns) (for example, salary, etc.).
Each employee, suppliers and sub-contractor is to disclose any potential or actual conflict of interest, including each institutional affiliation he/she/they (or any identifying pronouns) has that might possibly involve a conflict of interest. Such disclosure does not preclude or imply
ethical impropriety. Furthermore, the existence of any relationship as described under section 1 c & d above does not disqualify an employee from being recruited but should be disclosed. In case the employee’s personal situation changes and he/she/they (or any identifying pronouns) encounter any doubts in potentially entering in a conflict of interest, the employee has to report/seek advice from HR and or confidential counsellor (‘vertrouwenspersoon’).
4.6 Funding and Accountability principles
i+solutions shall only accept funding that is consistent with its mission, does not compromise its core principles, and does not restrict its ability to address relevant issues freely, thoroughly and objectively.
We do not tolerate any unethical activities such as double funding for one project, diversion of dedicated funds for any use other than the project for which the funds were approved. All i+solutions group staff, representatives, suppliers and (sub-)contractors shall use the funds and properties of i+solutions and/or its clients in an appropriate manner and avoid misuse (incl. private use) or theft.
Based on the agreements with our various partners, i+solutions will produce timely reports on the use and management of funds. At the end of the year i+solutions will publish its year ends results and projects undertaken and/or finalized through its annual report.
4.7 Culture
As an organization, i+solutions strives for a respectful work environment in which people feel empowered by sharing knowledge, expertise and so be motivated to perform to the best of their abilities. Embracing diversity and having a transparent attitude towards its ways of conducting business, i+solutions has set up comprehensives principles on how to best work together to facilitate the day to day operations, see Annex II.
4.8 Control Mechanisms
i+solutions has put in place several operational policies in order to ensure that all staff members, partners, (sub)contractors, external consultants and suppliers have at their disposal the necessary information to operate in an ethical, fair and professional environment on all locations i+solutions group operates (refer to section “2.Scope” Of the code of conduct).
5. Attachments
Annex I. Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code
The ETI Base Code
i+solutions has fully adopted the internationally recognised Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code of labour standards. We strive to keep workers safe and free from exploitation. You can find ETI’s base code here:
Annex II. Employee Code of Conduct
i+solutions culture and work environment
i+solutions strives to nurture friendly, professional and respectful communication among staff and any other parties that the organisation is be in business with.
This also means that as an employer i+solutions would like to stress to all employees, the importance of making sure that in any circumstance, the basic rules of politeness, professionalism, inclusivity and respect have to be adhered to, in any type of conversation (face to face, by email, online or by phone).
Any misconduct which would be categorised as unwanted communication should be addressed in the first instance, with the involved party directly and, if this is not possible, with the involved employee’s manager or HR.
In order to nurture an open, safe, friendly and professional environment, each individual should become an ambassador of proper communication habits to inspire others to follow their lead.
Culture and communication are lived through and by everyone, every day. This is not a “me” matter but a “we” responsibility.
Communication culture
We send a lot of internal and external emails each day. It is a fast and efficient way of communicating.
However, we must be aware of how we use email:
- Always communicate in a professional and respectful way and be aware you are representing our company whilst communicating with our stakeholders. .
- Please try to answer any incoming messages within 1- or 2-days max. If you are not able to meet this deadline, then inform your counterpart that your response will be delayed and provide a time frame to manage expectations.
- Only put in copy (CC) those immediately concerned by the topic of your email. Blind copy (BCC) should not be used internally, for the sake of transparency.
Always use your out-of-office assistant when you are unavailable, stating who to contact in your absence and when you will respond to the email. If you are going on long term absence, it may be wise to allow your manager or a colleague access to your inbox. This can be arranged with the IT Manager.
- For short inquiries, the Teams chat can be used instead of email.
- All i+solutions employees are requested to use the i+ mail footer which can be found in the Shared folder.
Social media guidelines
Social media guidelines are suggestions for how employees of a company should represent themselves and the company on their personal social media accounts. Social media guidelines can also be called an employee manual for social media best practices.
i+solutions social media guidelines can be found here [link]
Working remotely
i+solutions has drafted a policy with regard to working from home and abroad. Please refer to the working from home and abroad policy which can be found on Share Team.
Conflicts & Disagreements
Should you find yourself in a situation in which you are in dispute and or discord with a colleague we would always recommend to initially have an initial conversation with your colleague directly. Should the dispute remain unresolved, then approach your manager about it and ask for his or her help in resolving the matter. As a last resort, if the dispute remains unresolved you may approach the Human Resources Manager, or one of the Management team member for support. The Human Resources Manager can also act as a mediator in a dispute.
If harassment, bullying etc. is part of the conflict, naturally you can always address the confidential advisor (‘vertrouwenspersoon’) as mentioned below in paragraph A. Contact details of the Vertrouwenspersoon can be found on our intranet and at the coffee corner etc. If necessary, the complaint procedure can also be followed as laid down in the harassment and bullying policy.
- Roles and Responsibilities
Confidential advisor (Vertrouwenspersoon) & Works Council (OR, employee representation) & Human Resources & The Vertrouwenspersoon/Confidential Advisor may be approached with serious issues that you come across in your working environment and that you wish to share in confidentiality. These issues may be related to mobbing: intimidation, discrimination, harassment, and other forms of harassment which i+solutions does not accept in its working environment. i+solutions also works according to its anti-harassment and bullying policy, which can be found on the company Share folder on Teams.
The Works Council is the employee representation team. The Works Council may be approached for all concerns relating to our collective working environment. The Works Council represents all employees as a group and does not represent individual employees. On your behalf, the Works Council makes constructive suggestions to the management team on strategy and on how the professional settings can be improved for all staff members. The Works Council (ondernemingsraad) can be reached via The Works Council stores all relevant information on its SharePoint drive, also accessible via Teams.
Meetings structure
Management Team meetings are held every two weeks. Line Managers and/or team leads are responsible for organizing regular team meetings to inform their team about general issues and to discuss issues relevant to their department.
The Monthly Update is also a platform where staff can ask general questions. During these meetings, we share presentations and information on various topics, introduce new employees, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, and inform employees about upcoming events. Many managers hold regular one-to-one meetings with their direct reports, in addition to annual functional and personal development talks.
The Human Resources department, consisting of the Human Resources Manager may be approached to address any work-related issues, to be treated as confidential or not, individual, collective and/or team issues.
Meeting Culture
There are six meeting rooms that can be reserved via Outlook: Bujumbura, Polaner, Geneva, Washington, Kinshasa, and Kigali. There are six fully equipped meeting rooms that can be reserved via Outlook: Bujumbura, Polaner, Geneva, Washington, Kinshasa, and Kigali. It is also possible to reserve dedicated offices of managers when the manager is not in the office; this can be done via the FlexWhere app. These offices have the appropriate AV equipment to enable Teams meetings and can function as additional meeting rooms. Please send invitations in a timely manner, making clear what the meeting is for or about and for whom it is necessary to join.
- If the meeting room is no longer required, release it so that it becomes available to others.
- Make sure to start and end the meeting on time and to take minutes as appropriate. Ensure that you leave a clean and tidy meeting room behind after use. This means that the whiteboard is cleaned, used flipover sheets and cups are removed, chairs are put back in their place, etc. If you’re going to be late, please inform the chairperson
- Please ask yourselves if meetings are always necessary.
Shared folder
On Sharepoint, we have a Shared folder, accessible to all staff, where we share general company documents such as guidelines, procedures, and general company information, including presentations, forms, templates, Monthly Update presentations, etc.
Please announce external visitors to the Office Managers. External visitors should report to Office Management at the reception upon arrival. If lunch is required for your meeting, please contact Office Management on time so that they can make appropriate arrangements. If the visitor comes by car and there is no space available in our parking lot, employees can contact Office Management, who can then check with the other tenants in our building (Cloudwise, Van Montfoort or De Leerstek) if they have availability; alternatively, visitors can park on the parking lot of Polanerbaan 13.
When interviewing candidates for a vacancy, please also inform Office Management and reserve a room on time, preferably a few days before the meeting.
Facing the building, on the right side of the building, we have 28 parking spaces assigned to i+solutions.
You are allowed to park your car in these spaces on a first come, first served basis. Should the parking lot be full, you can park in the neighbourhood behind the i+solutions office. There are 4 parking lots with a charging pole available for electric cars. If no one is charging, other cars may also park there, but may be requested to move if an electric car needs to be charged.
We encourage all employees who live in Woerden to come by bike as much as possible and for all who can, to travel by train. This not only decreases the number of cars needing space to park but also is better for the environment.
Clean and professional environment
- Clean desk – Do not leave confidential documents lying on your desk at the end of the day, store all documents in your cabinets. This is good practice not only from a security perspective, but it also allows the cleaning crew to do their job.
- Clean kitchen it is everybody’s responsibility to keep the kitchen and pantry tidy. We are all responsible for our own cups, plates and cutlery. Please place them in the dishwashers after use, including any items used by your guests. If you arrive early in the morning, please empty the dishwasher and put away the clean items. At the end of the day, please switch the dishwasher on. If you use the microwave or any other equipment, please clean it after use.
- Clean fridge – We are responsible for our own belongings in the fridge. Please be mindful of the space available and remove what you no longer use. Please make sure that you wrap up your food properly. All food items that have expired will be removed from the fridge and thrown away.
- Clean meeting room – Ensure that you leave a clean and tidy meeting room behind after use. This means that the whiteboard is cleaned, used flipover sheets and cups are removed, chairs are put back in their place, etc.
- Clean restroom – Always clean up after use and leave it clean for your colleagues.
- Floors and carpets – please make sure not to spill any of your drinks on the carpet or the wooden floors. If an accident does happen, please clean up after yourself immediately.
- Please refrain from sitting on the heater covers, as they are not intended for this purpose.
Open plan office
We have an open plan office, so if you wish to listen to music please put in earbuds.
For pre-scheduled, long (telephone) conferences or conversations, please use a meeting room so that you don’t disturb your colleagues.
Please be mindful of the volume of your voice when talking to others or on the phone.
Environmentally friendly
We try to create an environmentally friendly working space. This is what we do for starters:
Paper & printing:
- Be mindful of what you print; only print if it is necessary.
- Always print double-sided if it is for your own use.
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- If you do not need to print in colour, please make sure you use the black and white as a default printing set up.
- Recycle old documents that have been printed on one side as draft paper.
- Separate all paper from your regular trash and place used paper items in your paper bins.
- Use the recycle bins in place at the coffee machine areas to recycle glass, natural waste etc.
Electricity use:
- Please switch off your computer screens when you leave the office.
- The office has sensor lights, so the lights will switch off automatically when there is no activity.
Bicycles i+solutions:
Office Management has several bikes available to her employees. The bikes are situated in a secured garage at the back of the office and you will need the key to access it. Ask the Office Manager for more details.