i+solutions launches COVID-19 Procurement Portal


i+solutions has launched an online procurement portal for COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) for large buyers such as low- and middle-income countries and international NGOs. The online portal offers a one-stop shop for high quality COVID-19 related PPE commodities at an affordable price.

i+solutions has 15 years’ experience as procurement agent for large global donors and our proven track record of delivering health commodities in over 60 low- and middle-income countries, ensure customers will receive the goods on time and at the desired quality. i+solutions has contracted suppliers with high quality products at affordable prices and works only with reliable shipping companies.

The portal also includes a quantification tool to make sure clients order the appropriate amount of products to protect health workers and patients in their countries.

In need of COVID-19 PPE products?

Please visit our COVID-19 Procurement Portal at www.covidcommodities.org