Health Systems Strengthening in Mali

Objectives and background
Despite significant improvements in healthcare in the past two decades in Mali, challenges remain in how to plan, manage, and finance high-quality healthcare at a decentralized level.
Since 2020, i+solutions works together with prime contractor Palladium on the USAID-funded KSW project which aims to strengthen health systems in the regions of Mopti, Ségou and Sikasso, accounting for approximately half of Mali’s population.
i+solutions’ role in this project is to provide innovative supply chain solutions to improve the information flow and distribution of essential medicines, vaccines and reproductive health commodities to health facilities. Medexis, i+solutions’ electronic Logistic Management Information System (eLMIS) operates behind the DHIS2 national patient information system interface and supports the ordering and movement of products in 26 districts.
This first phase implementation aims to provide real time data and operational efficiencies to the Malian free donor-funded products’ replenishment supply chain between district products dispatching depots (DRC) and health facilities (CSCOMs) in the mentioned regions. The i+solutions team in Mali is composed of 5 staff members: 2 in Bamako and 1 in each of the 3 regions.