eLMIS Medexis, Burundi

Objectives and background

In Burundi, the availability of health products depends on a comprehensive supply and distribution process from the supranational level to the national and operational levels, including health districts, hospitals, and health centres. Evaluation of the pharmaceutical supply chain has identified challenges such as demand estimation, product storage, and data inconsistencies. The Ministry of Public Health and the Fight Against AIDS (MSPLS) aims to strengthen the information system using information technology.

The overarching goal of the project is to enhance the visibility of logistics data and information at different levels of the supply chain to ensure a consistent availability of pharmaceutical products in health facilities across Burundi. This is realized by implementing i+solutions’ Electronic Logistic Management Information System (eLMIS) Medexis at all 1100 health facilities in the country.

The project entails the roll-out and implementation of Medexis across all levels of the health system, including public, faith-based, associative, and community health structures, ready to revolutionize health product management. Medexis manages several critical processes like periodic ordering of health products, order processing, (re)distribution, dispensation, inventory management and reporting. The rollout involves development of the Medexis tool, followed by extensive training and mentoring of users at all levels. Additionally, health structures are equipped with the necessary IT tools and internet access to ensure seamless integration and real-time data visibility.

Introduction of Medexis and proper use by health care workers across all levels of the supply chain, will enhance supply chain management, reduce expiration, overstock, and stockout rates, and ultimately improve healthcare outcomes for the population of Burundi.